CHRA convenes partner gathering and meets with Minister Sohi


Earlier this week, CHRA convened a 2-day meeting with members and partners of the housing sector, including the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada, the British Columbia Non Profit Housing Association (BCNPHA), le Réseau Québecois des OSBL d’habitation (RQOH),  the Ontario Non Profit Housing Association (ONPHA) and the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness (CAEH).

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Kick Off of the Housing for All Post-Election Week Blitz


Last week, ministerial mandate letters were made public—a first in Canadian history. These documents lay out the Prime Minister’s expectations and instructions for each of his ministers. CHRA was encouraged to see housing mentioned in four separate portfolios. We were also pleased to see such an emphasis placed on transparency and collaboration to achieve government objectives.

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CHRA’s Newsletter


Duclos Confirmed as Minister Responsible for CMHC; Many Housing Champions in Cabinet; Long Form Census Reinstated; A Way Home: New National Coalition Works Together to End Youth Homelessness; Call for Information: International Review of Initiatives to Aid the Development of Income Mixed Housing; Webinars, Reports, People & Events.

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CHRA Welcomes Trudeau’s Liberal Government


The Canadian Housing and Renewal Association (CHRA), which represents the full spectrum of affordable housing options across Canada, congratulates Prime Minister-elect Justin Trudeau and his Liberal team on their federal election victory.

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