Interview with Minister Duclos


The RQOQ (Quebec’s non-profit housing network) took advantage of a meeting with the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, to ask him some key housing and homelessness questions. With this portfolio, Minister Duclos is responsible for housing and the CMHC.

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Housing Experts Meet to Translate Federal Policy Mandates into Outcomes


Co-organized by the CHRA, Carleton University, and the Tyee Solutions Society, the all-day Actions for Housing Now working session held on the Carleton campus brought together some 60 people from the around the broad housing sector — providers and tenants, social and market housing, financial institutions and green building experts — as well as unions, criminal justice reformers, aboriginal interests, philanthropic foundations and those serving the most vulnerable.

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CHRA discusses Housing4All agenda with Minister Duclos


Last week, CHRA was hard at work conveying Housing for All messages to those in the highest offices, including participation in Minister of Finance Bill Morneau’s Pre-Budget Consultation in Toronto and an in depth meeting with Minister of Families, Children and Social Development Jean-Yves Duclos in Ottawa.

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CHRA Welcomes its new Executive Director


On behalf of the Board of Directors, it’s my pleasure to announce the appointment of Jeff Morrison as CHRA’s new Executive Director. Jeff leaves his position of Associate Director, Federal Affairs with Glaxo SmithKline, and before then, served as Director of Government Relations and Public Affairs with the Canadian Pharmacists Association for five years. In this role, he was responsible for advocacy, stakeholder relations, policy development, media relations, and external communication for the association. Jeff has held many other senior positions in the nonprofit world, including President of the Association of Canadian Engineering Companies and Director of Government Relations and Director of Environment for the Canadian Construction Association.

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Pathway to the middle class begins with affordable housing and must be prioritized in the 2016 Budget


CHRA calls on Canadians to push for housing investments via Finance’s online pre-budget consultation.
On the heels of an Employment and Social Development Canada study release stating that 2,250 veterans are homeless, the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association is calling on the federal government to commit to comprehensively tackling Canada’s homelessness and housing crisis in its next federal budget.

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