YOU ARE INVITED! Housing on the Hill Day


Join fellow housing leaders at our “Housing on the Hill Day” for a day of insightful commentary, discussion, and advocacy on housing. Attendees will have a chance to hear from political leaders, visit with Members of Parliament, and network with politicians, all in an effort to help shape the National Housing Strategy.

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CHRA Summer 2016 Member Update


JUNE 22, 2016 – 1:30 pm EST – 2:30 pm EST
Update from CHRA’s Executive Director Jeff Morrison on CHRA’s 2016-19 Strategic Plan that lays the foundation for the associations programs, research, partnerships and national advocacy.

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CHRA Launches Status Report on Federal Government’s Housing Related Commitments


In November 2015, Prime Minister Trudeau made public the Mandate Letters that he sent to each of his individual Cabinet Ministers. Within those Mandate Letters were several directives to Ministers directly related to housing; some of these directives were explicitly related to housing, others are more implicit. CHRA has produced a status report on the federal government’s progress in implementing the Mandate Letter deliverables.

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