Jamie Facciolo

Jamie Facciolo

Director at Large

Director of Development and Homelessness Initiatives, Homes First

Jamie’s life’s work is based on the belief that everyone deserves a home. He has worked in the Housing and Homelessness field in Toronto with Homes First for over 20 years. Jamie started working the frontlines in emergency shelters and supportive housing sites in 2001 and since then has worked in supervisory, manger, and Director roles overseeing some of the most unique and creative shelter and housing programs in Ontario.

Jamie’s current role as the Director of Development and Homelessness Initiatives is dedicated to creating and building a variety of housing specifically designed to meet the needs of the most vulnerable and marginalized people, with the ultimate goal of contributing to ending chronic homelessness nation wide.

Jamie is excited at the possibility of becoming more broadly engaged in the national conversation and expanding his knowledge and networking opportunities, as well as providing his experience and input to ensure supportive housing as a priority.

His experience and dedication puts him in a great position to contribute to the board of CHRA. Jamie will provide a lens that focuses on creating a homefull country, recognizes the different needs and challenges of its citizens, and looks to create homes built around those needs to serve all populations equally.