Thursday, January 12 – Member of Parliament Tweet-a-thon! 
The 2017 federal Budget is expected to be unveiled in the next few months. CHRA anticipates that funding announcements related to the National Housing Strategy will be contained in the 2017 Budget.
In its submission to the National Housing Strategy consultation, CHRA has said that the National Housing Strategy needs to focus on the needs of the most vulnerable people living in Canada through investments in social and affordable housing, creation of a distinct urban and rural Indigenous housing strategy, bolstering social housing capacity, and increasing investments in supports for tenants and the homeless.
It is important that in the lead-up to the 2017 Budget, Members of Parliament continue to hear this message. That’s where you come in. On Thursday, January 12, CHRA is encouraging all of its members and supporters to send one or more tweets to your Member of Parliament (or several MPs!) indicating your support for a National Housing Strategy that puts the interests of vulnerable populations first. We have enclosed sample tweets below that relate to the key themes and policy recommendations identified by CHRA – feel free to use one of those, or feel free to script your own. Use hashtag #Budget2017 so that all Canadians can see the importance of housing in the next federal Budget.
Unsure who your MP is? Use this postal code look-up website to identify your MP.
In addition, an unofficial list of MPs’ twitter handles can be found here (external website).
Mark January 12 on your calendar to send your tweets – the more tweets the better!
Suggested Tweets
- Put the interests of Canada’s most vulnerable populations at the core of the Ntl Housing Strategy and #Budget2017.
- The Ntl Housing Strategy and upcoming #Budget2017 must create a separate urban and rural Indiginous housing strategy.
- #Budget2017 needs a Ntl Housing Strategy that increases social housing capacity, addressing tenant needs, and Indigenous housing
- I support CHRA’s Vision for the Next Generation of Housing Policy as the basis for the forthcoming Ntl Housing Strategy and #Budget2017.
- A Ntl Housing Strategy needs to support supportive housing and prevent the scourge of homelessness #Budget2017
- A Ntl Housing Strategy needs to implement a RGI subsidy program to help housing providers provide below market rents #Budget2017
- A Ntl Housing Strategy needs transitional support off Operating Agreements and provide access to new sources of capital #Budget2017
- A Ntl Housing Strategy needs to make land available through transfer of surplus federal lands for social housing purposes. #Budget2017
- A distinct urban and rural Indigenous housing strategy needs to create an Indigenous Housing Trust #Budget2017
- A distinct urban and rural Indigenous housing strategy must respect the Daniels decision and the TRC final report #Budget2017
- The Ntl Housing Strategy requires national indicators and a Research Hub to ensure it is implemented properly #Budget2017.