Membership Pricing

Our flexible membership fees are designed to be affordable for organizations and businesses of all sizes. We've updated our membership categories and fees to make them more transparent.

2025 CHRA Membership Fees

Affordable Housing and Shelter Providers

Any organization or municipality that owns or manages housing or shelters is an Affordable Housing and Shelter Provider.

Any home, apartment, room, bed, or shelter space is considered one unit, whether subsidized, market, or non-market.

Fees are based on number of units.

Under 500 units              $520
500-999 units               $2,080
1000-2499 units           $4,160
2500-4999 units           $8,320
5000-14,999 units      $13,000
15,000-19,999 units   $26,000
Above 20,000 units    $41,600

Housing and Shelter Associations

Housing and Shelter Associations are membership organizations that represent affordable housing and shelter providers. Associations that represent other kinds of members can join as Non-Profit Groups and Associations.

Fees are based on the total number of units that their members provide.

Any home, apartment, room, bed, or shelter space is considered one unit, whether subsidized, market, or non-market.

Representing fewer than 20,000 units   $520
Representing 20,000-49,999 units       $1,040
Representing 50,000-99,999 units       $2,600
Representing over 100,000 units         $5,200


Municipalities that directly own or operate housing and shelters should join as Affordable Housing and Shelter Providers.

Fees are based on population as of last census.

Under 100,000             $1,040
100,000-499,999          $1,820
500,000-999,999          $2,600
Over 1 million               $3,640

Non-Profit Groups (non-profit organizations that do NOT operate housing)

Non-Profit Groups and Associations do not provide affordable housing or shelter units or represent affordable housing and shelter providers.

Any home, apartment, room, bed, or shelter space is considered one unit, whether subsidized, market, or non-market.

Operating budgets under  $1 million    $520
Operating budgets over  $1 million     $1040

Individual Members

Individual members receive CHRA member benefits but any organization they represent do not, unless that organization joins separately as a member.

We encourage executives to enlist their organizations rather than join as individual members so that all employees, volunteers, and clients of their organization benefit from membership.

Reduced Fee* $130

*low income, retired, student, or under 30 years old.

Business Members

Business members are for-profit entities with an interest in the community housing sector.
