Applications for the 2024-2025 Cohort are Closed

The Housing Professionals Mentorship Program

Building the next generation of community housing leaders

The Housing Professionals Mentorship Program (HPMP) connects today’s leaders in community housing with the leaders of tomorrow. Canada’s community housing sector is in a period of transformation; HPMP is working to help strengthen and build sustainability into the sector.

Strengthening Canada's community housing sector

HPMP works to strengthen leadership in the housing and homelessness sector through five priorities:

  1. Building strategic networks and community
  2. Developing leadership competencies
  3. Igniting passion and interest in housing
  4. Supporting career development
  5. Enhancing knowledge around core housing themes

The Program’s work is centred around leadership, community, and making the housing sector an exciting and welcoming place to build a career.

Become a mentee and:

  • develop your career in housing
  • enhance your leadership skills
  • build your network and community
  • learn from industry experts



Become a mentor and:

  • ignite a passion for housing
  • get new perspectives and fresh ideas
  • help shape the leaders of tomorrow
  • make an impact on the housing sector


What to expect as an HPMP participant

Online learning. Gain knowledge around core housing themes through webinars, discussion forums, virtual meetings and more.

Leadership and networking day. Meet and network with housing leaders across the country.

Save at the CHRA Congress. Mentees get a discount on registration for CHRA’s National Congress on Housing and Homelessness.

Time committment: Minimum of 25 hours over 6 months.

Cost: $500 for mentees and free for mentors. Bursaries are available.


Membership. To participate in HPMP, you (or your organization) must be a member of at least one of the following organizations:

  • CHRA
  • CIH Canada
  • Housing Partnership Canada

Interest. Mentees must currently work in the housing/homelessness sector or study in a related graduate program. Mentors may be employed or recently retired from the sector.

Support. Your organization must fully support your participation and time commitment (minimum 25 hours) to the program.

Priority. For mentees, preference will be given to housing professionals early in their careers and those looking to take the next step in their professional journey.

2024-25 dates

The 2024-25 HPMP cohort launches on October 2, 2024 and wraps up on March 12, 2025. The application period is now closed.

Don't just take our word for it

HPMP is a great opportunity to network and become familiar with other aspects of the housing sector. Building a personal and professional relationship with my mentor has made me feel more grounded in my current role and has given be a better understanding of the external factors affecting my work.

- 2023 Participant


I was impressed by the diversity of the program which is truly reflective of housing in its nature (lots of different people working in all aspects of housing).

- 2022 participant


The mentorship program supports a sharing of knowledge and experience that is valuable to both the mentor and mentee. Building networks in the housing sector is very necessary and this program supports that concept. Excellent program.”

- 2019 participant


"An excellent opportunity to share some of your experience and to grow – the learnings are truly a two-way street and you recognize, and self-reflect on how you dealt with things in the past and how you might deal with them differently now.”

-  2019 participant




HPMP is a fantastic opportunity to learn about what is happening around the sector and give back to up-and-comers. I will definitely be participating again!”

-  2023 participant


"This was a fantastic program that I appreciate having the opportunity to be a part of. My mentor was supportive, informative and willing to share information, expertise and contacts!

-  2022 participant


“The mentorship program is a way to develop another generation of housing leaders, while building the networks and connections that will ensure our sector will thrive.”

-  2020 participant


As a member of a group that’s not well represented in the housing world, being able to connect with someone who I share an identity and similar experiences with was, no exaggeration, life changing, and went a huge way towards making me feel like there could be a place for me in the affordable housing world.”

- 2019 participant

HPMP is administered in partnership with