
CHRA National Congress on Housing and Homelessness

CHRA has decided to organize its first-ever “virtual” Congress on Housing and Homelessness. Taking place April 27-29, 2021, we are excited to welcome you to three virtual days of learning, networking and celebrating our sector! Our team is working hard to create a virtual experience that offers the same valuable content as an in-person Congress on Housing and Homelessness. The online platform will emulate the same in-person events you love to attend, such as: Indigenous Caucus Day, the Innovation Forum, the Housing Professionals Mentorship Program sessions, opening plenary featuring leaders in the housing sector, a virtual trade show, and the many learning and networking opportunities that Congress has to offer.

Registration is expected to open in late January 2021, stay tuned for more details.

Questions about Congress? Contact us at We look forward to seeing you!