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Personal Perspective: Reflecting on the CIH Housing Summit and my journey through the UK

17 Oct 2024

Mel Willerth, Senior Manager of Education, CHRA and CIH Canada


In September, I had the privilege of representing CIH Canada and CHRA at the CIH Housing Summit, an experience that left a profound mark on both my professional journey and my perspective on the global housing sector. I shared the stage with Teija Ojankoski from Finland's Y Foundation, for a session moderated by Seamus Leheny. Together, we explored the ongoing changes in the housing landscape, highlighting the shared challenges and solutions across countries; though we know that Finland definitely has more active solutions than we do currently, it was still fantastic to highlight some shared struggles. The audience was keen to learn about Canada’s National Housing Strategy, and to share information about how we can collaborate from across the pond.

The summit itself was an incredible learning experience. Attending sessions from peers worldwide opened my eyes to the innovative practices being implemented beyond our borders. It wasn't just about sharing Canadian insights; it was also about absorbing the knowledge and strategies from international colleagues who are tackling the same crises we face in Canada. The opportunity to network and collaborate with professionals from different corners of the globe gave me a deeper appreciation of our shared mission in housing and helped me see the diverse backgrounds that we all bring to the housing sector with us.

Following the summit, I had the pleasure of connecting with my CIH colleagues in Coventry. We discussed the ongoing need to professionalize the housing sector, a conversation that felt particularly urgent and timely. It was an energizing meeting, filled with ideas on how to continue pushing our sector toward greater recognition and development. Bringing CHRA and CIH Canada to the UK for these discussions only reinforced the strength of our international relationships and the importance of global collaboration.

One of the highlights of the trip was my time in Scotland with Mike Dougan from CIH Scotland. I was given a tour of the local housing scene, which offered new perspectives on tackling housing challenges in a country with its own unique needs. And yes, I even got to try haggis, neeps, and tatties – a true Scottish experience!

Ultimately, the CIH Housing Summit and my subsequent travels were more than just professional milestones - they were personally enriching. The wonderful people I met, the discussions I engaged in, and the fresh perspectives I gained will undoubtedly shape my work in housing moving forward. This experience highlighted how vital it is to bring Canadian expertise to the international stage while continuing to learn from others. For CHRA members and CIH members, you can look forward to some webinars and projects coming that are a direct result of this trip, including information to come on AI in the housing sphere, more on professionalizing the sector, and bringing over some amazing work that Scotland is doing to showcase housing career paths for young professionals.

As I look ahead, I’m filled with renewed energy and ideas, eager to apply the knowledge I’ve gained to further professionalize the sector and improve housing solutions back home. Meeting brilliant minds and passionate advocates across borders truly reminds me of the power we have when we come together in the fight for better housing. I am grateful for the fantastic people I met and the collaborative spirit that will continue to guide us all forward.