Watch the 2019 National Housing Debate

On October 6, CHRA worked with a coalition of housing organizations to host the first ever National Housing Debate in Ottawa. Adam Vaughan (Liberal), Pierre Poilievre (Conservative), Angella MacEwan (NDP), Geneviève Nadeau (Bloc Quebecois), and Angela Keller-Herzog (Green Party) discussed a range of issues related to housing. The debate was moderated by Toronto Star columnist…

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Updated Rental Housing Index Launched

An updated version of the Canadian Rental Housing Index (RHI) was unveiled today at a press conference held in Toronto. The RHI is an invaluable online tool that uses census data to provide detailed information on rental housing conditions across Canada. The updated version contains rental housing data broken down by federal ridings; ideal timing…

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Update on Phase 2 of Federal Community Housing Initiative 

CMHC has been working closely with key housing associations over the summer to finalize details for Phase 2 of the Federal Community Housing Initiative (FCHI). This is a new rental assistance program for community housing providers reaching the end of their operating agreements. FCHI will be available from April 1, 2020 to March 2028. Find…

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CHRA Op-Ed: How to ensure every Canadian in need is safely housed by 2030


The online political publication, iPolitics, recently ran an op-ed by CHRA Executive Director Jeff Morrison. 

The piece examines how the federal government could help to meet a new CMHC corporate objective of ensuring that by 2030, every person living in Canada had access to housing that met their needs. The editorial includes key messages that were contained in our 2019 pre-budget submission. This will also form the basis for our messaging in the lead up to the 2019 federal election.

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Membership Renewal: It’s time to renew for 2019


Prior to the holidays, current members should have received membership renewal notices by email. If you have not received it, please contact Melissa Weigel at

Take advantage of special Congress rates, invitations to members-only webinars, the chance to run for and vote in Board elections, and so on. Your membership is an investment that pays off throughout the year.

Renew or join today to get the most benefit!

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Changes to National Housing Co-Investment Fund unveiled by CMHC


In response to concerns raised by the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association (CHRA) with the National Co-Investment Fund’s application process, CMHC has provided us with two documents that include changes that will ease the burden on housing providers applying to the program. 

The first document is a webinar transcript (PDF) from a session held in October 2018 during which changes to some of the original application policies were announced. 

The second is a new document issued by CMHC announcing changes to the energy efficiency and accessibility requirements for certain projects.

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