CHRA and Canadian Home Builders Association Release New Research Report

CHRA and the Canadian Home Builders Association, with the support of Genworth Canada, have released a new research report prepared by Steve Pomeroy and Greg Lampert entitled “Examining the Dynamics of Canada’s Housing Tenure System:  Implications for a National Housing Strategy”.  This report examines the full housing spectrum, and looks at policy changes and how policy impacts housing along the spectrum.  A copy of the report can be found here. (note – the paper is only available in English).

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CHRA Marks World Habitat Day by Calling for a National Housing Strategy Focused on the Needs of Canada’s Most Vulnerable


The United Nations has designated October 2 as World Habitat Day in 2017 – this year’s theme is “Housing Policies:  Affordable Homes”.  The Canadian Housing and Renewal Association (CHRA) is using this day to remind the federal government that the needs of Canada’s most vulnerable populations need to lie at the heart of the forthcoming National Housing Strategy, expected to be unveiled in November 2017.  Click here for a copy of our communique.

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CHRA’s 2018 Pre-Budget submission to the House of Commons Finance Committee


CHRA believes that the federal government has an opportunity through continued investment to achieve the objective of every person living in Canada having access to safe, affordable and sustainable housing by 2035; and that the enactment of a National Housing Strategy and an Indigenous Housing Strategy has the potential to address a number of longer-term and structural concerns facing housing providers, and most importantly, their tenants.

Please click here for our recommendations and full submission to the House of Commons Finance Committee as part of the Pre-Budget Consultations.

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Housing On The Hill Day


The Canadian Housing and Renewal Association (CHRA) and the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness (CAEH) invite you to: Housing on the Hill Day 2017, October 17, 2017

CHRA and CAEH are once again teaming up to host “Housing on the Hill” 2017 on Tuesday, October 17.  With over $15 billion in investments in social and affordable housing and homelessness programs contained in the 2017 Budget, and with a National Housing Strategy to be unveiled shortly, Housing on the Hill provides a timely and unique opportunity to engage with Members of Parliament to seek out their support, raise awareness, and set the stage for additional investments in housing in future years.

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