Formation of the Canadian Alliance of Non-Profit Housing Associations

A group of provincial non-profit housing associations and CHRA have come together to create a new Alliance, to be known as the Canadian Alliance of Non-Profit Housing Associations (CANPHA). The creation of CANPHA will build on efforts already underway to better represent the interests of the non-profit housing sector in Canada, align positions and share resources amongst constituent members.  

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International Forum 2018 Report Released


During Congress 2018 in April, CHRA once again hosted an International Forum for which a number of Canadian and international housing experts came together to discuss common issues in social and affordable housing.  

From that Forum, CHRA has produced a summary report providing an overview of the current state of housing – including broader market housing challenges, jurisdictional reflections, and homelessness – in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. 

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Endorse our Resolution on Urban, Rural and Northern Indigenous Housing Strategy


At CHRA’s Annual General Meeting in April 2018, members unanimously passed a strongly worded resolution supporting the development of an Indigenous Housing Strategy for urban, rural and northern Indigenous Peoples. CHRA’s Resolution calls on the Government of Canada to develop a strategy that would set forth an objective of raising the standard of Indigenous housing to that of non-Indigenous Canadians within the next 10 years.

CHRA firmly believes that a robust Indigenous housing strategy should include recognition of the growing need for culturally connected and adequate housing for urban, rural and northern Indigenous Peoples, with a view of housing as an integral part of reconciliation. Housing forms the foundation for vibrant Indigenous communities and remains a positive determinant of health and mental wellbeing, education, early child development, and employment.

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For Indigenous, By Indigenous National Housing Strategy released by CHRA and its Indigenous Housing Caucus Working Group


Calling on the federal government to address the housing needs of urban, rural and northern Indigenous families and individuals, including the disproportionate representation of Indigenous Peoples living in homelessness and core housing the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association and its Indigenous Housing Caucus Working Group released A For Indigenous, By Indigenous (FIBI) National Housing Strategy.

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Submission to the National Consultation on a Human Rights-Based Approach to Housing


As the voice of the social, non-profit, and affordable housing sector in Canada, the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association (CHRA) was pleased to provide input to the federal government on the design of the legislated right to housing prior to the release of the National Housing Strategy (NHS) in November 2017. In meetings with senior government officials, CHRA advocated strongly for a rights-based approach within the NHS, and captured core characteristics of a rights based approach in a letter to Minister Duclos in September 2017. CHRA is pleased to continue the conversation with the federal government on a legislated right to housing approach through this submission, and through ongoing formal and informal engagement opportunities over the coming months.

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50th Anniversary Commemorative Video

    At Congress, we unveiled a 50th anniversary video to commemorate our golden anniversary in 2018. Produced in partnership with Yardi Canada, it provides a brief history of the Association, highlights our accomplishments, and showcases several testimonials from sector leaders on our positive impact over the years. Have a look!

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CHRA Laments the Lack of an Urban And Rural Indigenous Housing Stream; Seeks Greater Details on National Housing Strategy

In response to today’s federal Budget, the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association (CHRA) today lamented the lack of a dedicated funding stream for the housing challenges facing Indigenous peoples living in urban and rural settings.  Furthermore, although CRHA continues to applaud the release of the National Housing Strategy by the Prime Minister in November 2017, CHRA had hoped that Budget 2018 would provide new information regarding the status and implementation of the programs announced as part of the National Housing Strategy. See CHRA’s reaction here.

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Registration for CHRA’s Congress 2018 is Now Open!

Registration for CHRA’s 50th National Congress on Housing and Homelessness taking place at the Delta Ottawa City Centre in Ottawa, Ontario is officially open!  Register before February 24, and you can access the early bird rates.  And as always, CHRA members in good standing receive significant discounts on Congress fees.    Register today and join the 50th Anniversary celebration at the CHRA National Congress on Housing and Homelessness!

Click here to visit the Congress 2018 Website!

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National Housing Strategy Town Hall

On December 8, CHRA held an online town hall to discuss the federal government’s National Housing Strategy for members. It featured a presentation by Michel Tremblay, Senior Vice President, Policy, Research and Public Affairs; and Debbie Stewart, Director, Housing Needs from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. The town hall allowed CHRA members to ask questions and make comments about the Strategy.

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