Affordable Housing Providers, Owners & Managers
Based on number of units

1-10,000 units  $2.20/unit
10,001-20,000 units  $0.55/unit
20,001 or more units  $0.30/unit
Minimum Fee  $220

Based on population as of last census

under 10,000  $415
10,000-50,000  $570
50,000-100,000  $865
100,000-200,000  $1,200
200,000-500,000  $1,520
500,000-1,000,000  $1,900
1,000,000 +  $2,165

Associations & Networks
Based on number of members

200 or less  $395
201-500  $565
501-1000  $1,100
1001 or more  $1,655

Non-Profit Groups


Business Partners


Individual Members

Regular:  $375
Reduced Fee*: $60

*Retired, Low-income/ unwaged, Emerging Professional (someone who is a full-time student and/or is under 30 years of age).